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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What's new for The Purple Elephant...

Wow!  Where has the time gone?  My son was 11 months old when I started writing The Purple Elephant during his naptimes.  He's now seven and I'm finally coming up for air.  So here's what's in the pipeline The Purple Elephant...

I have been updating and tweaking the original book and will be publishing a 2nd edition this fall.  I'm not making many changes, just doing some touch-up.  The most noticeable change will be the tweaked pictures in the black & white edition. 

Next, I plan to publish a Kindle version of the book.  The Kindle version will be in color and available through Amazon and other retailers.

A sequel is also in progress.  They have to get home, right?  And I'm already thinking about the third book in the series.  Stay tuned for details still to come. 

Happy reading and remember, don't touch any purple elephants!